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The original Misirlou

The original Misirlou - Μισιρλού (Τέτος Δημητριάδης -1927)

Many famous musicians, made their own instrumental version of Misirlou. The best known is the version of Dick Dale that was used in the film Pulp Fiction, by Quentin Tarantino in 1994.

«Μισιρλού» (Misirlou, Egyprian girl) is an old rebetiko song performed by many singers. The oldest registered version is probably by  Tetos Dimitriadis (1927). 

Pulp Fiction - Misirlou

Many famous musicians, made their own instrumental version of Misirlou. The best known is the version of Dick Dale that was used in the film Pulp Fiction, by Quentin Tarantino in 1994.

«Μισιρλού» (Misirlou, Egyprian girl) is an old rebetiko song performed by many singers. The oldest registered version is probably by  Tetos Dimitriadis (1927). 

Η τέχνη του δρόμου / Κράτησέ με

Η τέχνη του δρόμου / Κράτησέ με

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